Amy Irving
Mary Ann Simpson
Antônio Fagundes
Pedro Paulo
Kate Lyra
English Course Receptionist
Mara Carvalho
Tailor Shop Receptionist
João Camargo
English Student
Cláudio Gardin
English Student
Concy Maduro
English Student
Guilherme Miranda
English Student
Joca D'Avila
English Student
Leonardo Miranda
English Student
Luis Sergio Lima e Silva
English Student
Milton Valley
English Student
Raphael Molina
English Student
Renata Leão
English Student
Sandra Prazeres
English Student
Erik Shane
Consulate Interviewer
Ana Maria Jansen
Juan's Wife II
Andreia Fetter
Juan's Wife III
Márcio Rebello
Mary Ann's Husband
Aldri D'Anunciação
Soccer Player
Alexandre Carvalho
Soccer Player
Carlos Magno
Soccer Player
Fábio Florentino
Soccer Player
Marcelo Lopes
Soccer Player
Marcello Ferreira
Soccer Player
Marllos Fraga
Soccer Player
Renato Valverde
Soccer Player
Paulo Henrique Souto
Chief Nurse
Analu Tannuri
Hospital Receptionist
Cristina Tozzi
Hospital Receptionist
Antonio Fragoso
Boy and Girl First Couple
Carla Faour
Boy and Girl First Couple
Ronaldo Reis
Boy and Girl Second Couple
Sandra Hansen
Boy and Girl Second Couple
João de Jesus
Assistant Tailor
Roberto Vanges dos Santos
Assistant Tailor
Lourenço Marins
Taxi Driver
Regina Sampaio
Law Office Receptionist