Aug 12 2018
•0h 7m
•Animation, Drama
The short follows the lives of a family consisting of Bert, Rae, and their daughter Rachel. The viewer serves as an observer of the family's lifecycle before, during, and after living in their home. It is Walt Disney Animation Studios' first short set in virtual reality.
See allBonnie Popp
Old Rae
Leah Latham
Young Rae
Roy Conli
Old Bert
Chris Williams
Young Bert
See allLightning in a Bottle
During a thunderstorm, a young boy's effort to capture lightning in a glass bottle as part of a science fair project succeeds beyond his wildest expectations, but is shocked when he discovers the consequences of this unnatural feat.
Just a Thought
An awkward 12-year old boy named Ollie experiences "bubble trouble" when his true feelings for a girl are embarrassingly revealed in the form of a physical thought bubble.
Just Before Losing Everything
Julien is 10 years old. He pretends to go to school but then hides out under a bridge, his backpack filled with clothes. A few kilometers away, 15-year-old Joséphine does the same and waits for the bus.
Lucky Toupée
This clever bit of balderdash lifts the lid on an original tale about a hijacked hairpiece, a gang of larcenous leprechauns, and a budding romance.