All Cast

Emma Suárez

Emma Suárez

Order: The Wife

Lola Dueñas

Lola Dueñas

Work: The Wife

Sergi López

Sergi López

Ordre: El veí

Francesc Orella

Francesc Orella

Família: El pare

David Verdaguer

David Verdaguer

Commitment: The Groom

Jordi Sánchez

Jordi Sánchez

Commitment: The Priest

Pepe Viyuela

Pepe Viyuela

Work: The Husband

Àlex Brendemühl

Àlex Brendemühl

Progress: The Neighbor

Manolo Solo

Manolo Solo

Order: The Husband

Alain Hernández

Alain Hernández

Property: The Real Estate Agent

Aina Clotet

Aina Clotet

Progress: The Woman

Núria Gago

Núria Gago

Commitment: The Bride

Vicky Peña

Vicky Peña

Solidarity: The Wife

Pol López

Pol López

Família: El fill

Borja Espinosa

Borja Espinosa

Progress: The Wounded

Ramon Fontserè

Ramon Fontserè

Solidaritat: El marit

Àgata Roca

Àgata Roca

Property: The Woman

Albert Ribalta

Albert Ribalta

Property: The Tenant

Rosa Cadafalch

Rosa Cadafalch

Família: La mare