Kings Reign Supreme: The Kings of Wrestling

Kings Reign Supreme: The Kings of Wrestling


Oct 16 2012

"The greatest team in the history of wrestling, if you think over then prepare for the reckoning." That's just a taste of the lyrics that led Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli out to the ring with the ROH World Tag Team Titles strapped to their waists for a record-setting 363 days. Starting with their reunion at "Final Battle 2009" at the expense of Jay & Mark Briscoe, The Kings of Wrestling quickly established themselves as a powerhouse in ROH's already stacked tag team ranks.

Chris Spradlin

Chris Spradlin

Chris Hero

Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio Castagnoli


Jamin Pugh

Jamin Pugh

Jay Briscoe

Mark Pugh

Mark Pugh

Mark Briscoe